Current Zoning
The district includes areas zoned BSD-C (Bridge Street District – Commercial), BSD-IRN (Bridge Street District – Indian Run Neighborhood), BSD-P (Bridge Street District – Public), BSD-HTN (Bridge Street District – Historic Transition Neighborhood), BSD-R (Bridge Street District – Residential), BSD-OR (Bridge Street District – Office Residential), BSD-O (Bridge Street District – Office), BSD-SCN (Bridge Street District – Sawmill Center Neighborhood), BSD-SRN- (Bridge Street District – Scioto River Neighborhood), HD-P (Historic District – Public), HD-HC (Historic District – Historic Core), HD-HS (Historic District – Historic South), HD-HR (Historic District – Historic Residential), R (Rural), R-1 (Restricted Suburban), CC (Community Commerical), and PUD – Neats Nest. Permitted uses in these zoning districts include a wide range of commercial, residential, and office development.
Road Access to the Site
The primary access to the Bridge Street District is from the Dublin/US 33 I-270 Interchange, located 1.5 miles from the Bridge Street District. OH-161 and Riverside Drive provide additional access to the sites.
Name of current or potential service providers (Electric): AEP Ohio
Name of current or potential service providers (Natural Gas): Columbia Gas
Name of telecommunication provider(s)
Dublink Broadband Fiber Network.