Commercial Facade Improvement Program Overview

The Dublin Community Improvement Corporation is currently accepting applications for the 2024 Commercial Façade Improvement Program.

The Commercial Façade Improvement Program is designed to encourage private investment in property renovations and overall building improvements that enhance the quality and character of Historic Dublin. The program will share the costs of improving commercial building exteriors and publicly used amenities that improve the vibrancy of the Historic District. The Dublin Community Improvement Corporation will provide matching grants to property owners or tenants who would otherwise not be able to make these improvements without financial assistance.

2024 Application

Commercial, mixed-use, non-profit and non-for-profit organization (holding valid 501(C) status with the IRS) properties within the boundaries of Historic Dublin (see map). Government operating buildings are not eligible.

Grant Amount
  • Up to 50% of the total eligible project costs, not to exceed $25,000.
  • Projects must have a minimum of $5,000 ($10,000 total project cost).
  • Grantees will be reimbursed at the conclusion of the project after certification of costs and verification of compliance with approved plans.
Application Requirement
  • Property owners or tenants are eligible to apply.
  • Tenants must have written approval by property owner.
  • Property owner/tenants must be current on all municipal taxes, utility bills, City Codes and property maintenance or projects that bring their property maintenance into compliance.

     Eligible Projects & Criteria

Eligible Projects


  • Routine repairs or maintenance are NOT eligible unless the repairs represent major improvements that contribute to structural longevity.
  • Projects must comply with application Zoning Code requirements and the Historic Design Guidelines.
  • Projects must gain all necessary zoning and building permit approvals prior to proceeding with work.
  • Use of a qualified architect or designer with expertise in historic structures encouraged.
  • Design fees not to exceed 10% of total project costs unless granted (% charged by architect or Construction Company for project).
  • Priority given to projects that result in comprehensive restoration or improvement to the entire building, façade, or historic object.

General Improvements List

  • Uncovering and restoration of historic façades.
  • Replacement/repair of cornice, parapets, shutters and other architectural features.
  • Removal of inappropriate façade materials.
  • Addition of appropriate detailing which leads to a substantially enhanced appearance.
  • Site and landscape improvements in areas that are open and accessible to the public, including signature historic walls that are visible from public right of ways.
  • Window repair or replacement – if returned to original historical character.
  • Door repair or replacement – if returned to original historical character.
  • Tuck pointing.
  • Exterior painting must include additional façade improvements.
  • Awning installation or replacement.
  • Installation and improvement of signs.
  • Installation of decorative lighting and upgrading of existing fixtures on external facades.
  • Storefront restoration or renovation.
  • Parking improvements (striping, paving, signage, etc.), new parking additions and shared parking arrangements.
  • Projects that increase accessibility.
  • Projects that promote sustainability that is historically sensitive.
  • Roof replacement must include additional façade improvements.
Ineligible Projects
  • Cost of new construction or routine maintenance.
  • Projects that commence before Dublin Community Improvement Corporation approval of grant.
  • Projects that commence prior to gaining required zoning and building permit approval.
Decision Criteria


  • Amount requested will be compared with available funds.
  • Projects will be reviewed against the criteria outlined below.
  • Projects with the highest rankings will receive priority in the awarding of grant monies.
  • Grant monies may be reduced if projects or portions of projects are deemed ineligible or requested funding amount is not available.
  • Priority will be given to projects that result in comprehensive restoration, are highly visibility, and impact the public street.

The following criteria will be taken into account:

  • Instances where an immediate renovation would stop serious deterioration of the building’s façade, or serious deterioration of walls, and where historic or architecturally significant feature contributing to the building’s character are in danger of being lost.
  • Projects that would restore the historic features of a building.
  • Projects that would improve the architectural integrity of a building.
  • Projects that demonstrate the ability to attract people to Historic Dublin.
  • Projects that would result in significant new investment and the creation of jobs in Historic Dublin.
  • Projects involving buildings with vacant or underutilized spaces where the overall marketability of the building would be improved.
  • Projects that incorporate a mix of uses or multiple tenants.
  • Applications that demonstrate the applicant’s capacity to complete a project.
Grant Requirements
  • Owner/tenant shall comply with all provisions of the Dublin Codified Ordinances and Ohio Building Code.
  • Applicants must gain all zoning and building permits approvals prior to project commencement.
  • Projects must be completed within 180 days of grant approval, or receive permission from the Dublin Community Improvement Corporation for additional time.
  • All projects will be inspected by the City for interior and exterior compliance.

     Application Process

Step One: Pre-application Meeting

Applicants are required to schedule a pre-application meeting with staff to review the scope of work and drawings. To request a preliminary meeting, please contact:

Commercial Façade Improvement Program
5200 Emerald Parkway
Dublin, Ohio 43017

Step Two: Façade Improvement Application Submittal

Applications will be accepted on an on-going basis. Applicants shall be required to submit:

  • Completed Commercial Façade Improvement Program Application.
  • Estimated budget with detailed line items (including a contingency of up to 10% for each line item) and financing options.
  • Pictures, site plans, architectural rendering and/or other visual representations of the proposed improvements.
Step Three: Project Approval Process
  • Applications will be reviewed and accepted based on the complete submission and eligibility requirements outlined above. Applicants will be notified of incomplete and ineligible applications.
  • Upon acceptance, applications will be reviewed and ranked based on the Decision Criteria listed above.
  • Decision letters awarding funding will be sent to all applicants following application approval.
  • Applications will submit and gain any necessary zoning and building permit approvals prior to project commencement.
  • Projects are expected to begin within 60 days of zoning and building permit approval and be completed within 180 days.
Step Four: Project Completion & Grant Reimbursement

City Staff will conduct a review of projects upon completion for compliance with zoning and building permit approval. For a project to be considered complete and eligible for reimbursement, applicant must:

  • Obtain all applicable building permits and pass all building inspections relating to the projects.
  • Submit a completed W-9.
  • Submit third-party receipts or invoices that match the project description and final budget. If other building improvements were made in conjunction with the façade improvements, separate cost summaries related to the façade improvements must be provided. In-kind contributions are not eligible unless prior written approval is provided to the Dublin Community Improvement Corporation.
  • Receive Dublin Community Improvement Corporation verification of work.

     Historic Dublin Map

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