While many in Columbus and Ohio’s other large cities are pushing for new Amtrak service for their communities, so are smaller and suburban cities who believe they stand to benefit from riders and jobs generated.
“We’re aggressively trying to support it. We think it’s going to provide jobs,” said David Zak, president and CEO of the Crawford Partnership for Education and Economic Development. The village of Crestline sits in Crawford County about 12 miles west of Mansfield in north-central Ohio, and is aiming for a stop on the proposed line between Cincinnati, Dayton Columbus and Cleveland.
Another proposed Amtrak route would connect Pittsburgh and Chicago through Columbus. It’s that route that the city of Dublin wants to be on. A CSX Transportation track passes through the western portion of Dublin, where the city owns 100 acres near state Route 161 and Houchard Road.
“Dublin has been very supportive of Amtrak coming to central Ohio,” said Jeannie Willis, Dublin’s director of transportation and mobility. So much so that City Manager Megan O’Callahan sent a letter in March 2023 to the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Read the complete article in the Columbus Dispatch.
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