When Columbus-based Root Inc. recently laid-off employees, Dublin-based Chatstrike Inc. volunteered to help those individuals find new employment with a virtual job fair.
From the article: “Chatstrike’s “Root alumni job lobby” went live Tuesday morning, and employers kept adding listings; by Wednesday about 100 companies with nearly 500 open jobs – more than the number of affected workers. That’s why Chatstrike founder and CEO Cameron Levy wants to open the job fair to the rest of Central Ohio next week.”
Dublin businesses stand at the ready to help and assist those in need of employment. That support encapsulates the Dublin entrepreneurial spirit of finding a solution to help those in need. Just another reason why Dublin is not only a premier physical location for businesses, with numerous amenities, but a place where companies support the people of our region and offer the kindness that builds a strong community.
Media Contact:
Andrew Kohn
Public Affairs Officer
614.578.1302 – Cell
Newsroom: https://dublinohiousa.gov/newsroom/
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