Not unlike a living organism, a community should be in a constant state of change, growing and evolving over time informed by experience and current market conditions.
For Dublin, that means thorough and inclusive community and economic planning that guides development. These efforts serve as a platform for public involvement in shaping the community’s future, creating a framework for development decisions, helping the City make smart investments that result in high-quality infrastructure and quality of place.
Dublin’s latest such projects were discussed on Oct. 3, 2024, at the Economic Development Strategic Update event. If you missed the event, here’s the latest news on our economic development strategy, Envision Dublin Community Plan and the Metro Center revitalization.
Envision Dublin kicked off in 2022 and included over 36 meetings and workshops and 5,345 total points of engagement with residents, business owners and stakeholders. Integrating previous planning efforts, existing policies, local, regional, and national data and community input, Envision Dublin builds upon Dublin’s City Strategic Framework’s vision to be the most sustainable, connected, and resilient global city of choice.
The resulting Envision Dublin Community Plan, adopted by Dublin City Council in July 2024, will provide policy direction for the next two decades and includes plans and strategies around a multimodal thoroughfare, land use and development, housing and neighborhoods, greenways and blueways, economic development and special areas.
The western edge of Dublin is one of the areas poised for significant change.
The West Innovation District, as it’s called, includes about 1,100 acres of land and is a key portion of the city’s business neighborhoods targeted for office, research, laboratory and clean manufacturing uses. With an emphasis on “speed to build,” the area is a focus for quality projects requiring quick administrative approval. The planning in the West Innovation District is geared to meet the needs of today’s development environment, incorporating economic development strategy alignment, a future passenger rail station, and a mixed-use center adjacent to Ohio University’s Dublin Campus.
“The West Innovation District is a key differentiator for Dublin in today’s technology-driven economy,” says City Manager Megan O’Callaghan. “Just as Dublin has grown and changed significantly over the last few decades, technology and the way we do business has also evolved.”
Additionally, four visionary goals set forth by Dublin City Council are driving economic development in Dublin:
- Revitalize the Metro Center. The goal is to reposition the Metro Center legacy office park by implementing the vision, goals and land use recommendations outlined in the Dublin Corporate Area Plan within the Envision Dublin Community Plan. A design and implementation framework creates a distinctive identity, encourages dynamic reinvestment, provides a vibrant mix of uses in a walkable environment and promotes sustainable design principles. The plan Identifies opportunities for public and private partnerships for catalytic projects that transform the Metro Center area.
- Develop Dublin’s “Destination of Choice” Next-Generation Community Events Vision. In developing and implementing a local and regional community events program and management roadmap, Dublin’s parks and facilities can be leveraged to create a connected, comprehensive and fiscally sustainable source of vitality, engagement and entertainment.
- Become the most connected community in the U.S. The goal is to bring fiber to every home, with a plan for the initial construction and customer installation, achieving 25% deployment in 2024.
- Implement the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. This focuses on cultivating an environment that embodies both recreation and economic vibrancy.
The strategies are already paying dividends.
On the critical Discovery Boulevard thoroughfare, Fallback Studios plans to establish its new headquarters and Hollywood-caliber film production and sound stages with a state-of-the-art LED volume wall.
Elsewhere, Sarnova Energy relocated to Dublin with headquarters at 5000 Bradenton Ave. and a target completion date of 2025. Cenovus Energy is completing a new headquarters and expansion at 4455 Bridge Park Ave., targeted for completion in 2027.
These cells of activity, collectively, are the lifeblood of a thriving community. Come build with us!
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